Lions Europa Forum

Website & Booking Platform

Custom design
Custom Design
Responsive Design
Responsive Design

The Lion’s Europa Forum is one of the most important events of the organization and is an opportunity for members from around the world to meet and discuss significant aspects of Lions Community. The 2021’s Europa Forum took place in Thessaloniki on October 2021.

About the Project

The organisers needed to create a platform that would present the details and the program of the conference and that at the same time would allow the participants to book their tickets online.


The new, full responsive platofrm focuses on structure, functionality and visual appeal. Using raw multimedia material from the organizers, we created an understandable structure that gradually presents to the user, as he browses, all the details and the program of Lion’s Europa Forum 2021.

During the implementation of the platform we used  typography and several graphic icons in order to achieve the difference in the design. In addition, In order to make it easy for the participants to book their tickets, we emplemented a booking system.

Content Presentation

All the useful information about the Forum, its program and events are being presented in a friendly and understandable way. By presenting the conference’s available ticket options each user can have a quick and easily access to the booking system.

Booking System

We built an easy to use booking system with a fully understandable structure, through which we presented all the available ways to participate in the conference.

Responsive Design

mobile > 768px
tablet 768px • 1024px
deskop 1024px • 1440px
wide screen < 1440px

The website was built based on the techniques of Responsive Web Design and mobile first web design. Responsive design allows visitors to effectively view a website from any device they use for their browsing. The design and orientation of the elements are being moved and changed so that they are displayed correctly on a desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone. Images and content shrink and fit from three columns to two, and finally to a content column as the website automatically recognizes the screen resolution used by the visitor.

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